In 2016, the Lenoir City Council approved the Open-Concept Beer Garden initiative for our Downtown which extends the beer garden boundaries to cover from Ashe Ave to Harper Ave on Main Street and from Mulberry Street to Church Street on West Ave. Participants will continue to be required to present a photo ID verifying their age, wear a band and be served in a special cup which indicates the regulations and boundaries of the garden. Participants are not permitted to carry their beer into establishments that serve alcohol, nor can customers carry alcohol out of establishments into the beer garden. Chief Brown of the Lenoir Police Department and NC ALE representatives express support for this initiative because it allows participants to purchase food from festival vendors, have ease of access to facilities and join in activities during events all within the garden area.

For further information about this initiative contact the COL Economic Development Department / Downtown Lenoir Main Street office at 828-757-2107 and/or go here for program details.

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