We’re declaring February “LOVE LOCAL” month for Downtown Lenoir!
Join us in this month-long celebration by showing your love for small businesses, your love for local, and your love for our community.
Love Letters for Local (February 1-29, 2024)

This February, let our businesses know how much you love them! Write a simple love letter to a Downtown Lenoir business (or two) that you love.
How it works:
- Write a love letter for a Downtown Lenoir business during the month of February (Not sure which businesses are eligible? Make sure they’re listed in our directory: Retail, Restaurants & Pubs ; Personal & Professional Services)
- Make sure to include the BUSINESS NAME on the outside of your letter or envelope
- Drop it in one of our special “Love Letters for Local” mailboxes (No postage necessary!)
- OR you can write a virtual Valentine using the form below
- Love Letters for Local runs from February 1st through the 29th, so make sure you submit your letter by 5PM on Thursday, February 29, 2024
Love Letter Drop-offs
Ready to deliver your profession of love? Drop your letter in one of the specially marked mailboxes in Downtown Lenoir and we’ll get it to its intended recipient. Don’t forget to write the business name on the outside of your letter/envelope.
Letter drop location:
- Downtown Stage entrance (across from City Hall 801 West Ave.)
Can’t make it downtown to deliver your love letter in person? No problem! We’ve got you covered, click the link below to submit your virtual valentine.
Virtual Valentine
Can’t make it to the store for a card? We’ve got you covered again. Below is a downloadable pdf that can be used to handwrite a personal note or get the kids involved and use it as a coloring Valentine’s card for their favorite business. Just be sure to drop it off in our “Love Letters for Local” mailboxes located at the Downtown Square by February 29th.
Downloadable Coloring Valentine’s Card